What is more important than doing exercise and food on time? Well, we say - Right Exercise and Healthy Food. In our Cardiac Rehabilitation Package, we consult our patients and educate them in doing the right things in right way.
Cardiac rehabilitation doesn’t change your past, but it can help you improve your heart’s future.
Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty or heart surgery. Cardiac rehab has four equally important parts:
- Cardiac Consultation Exercise gets your heart pumping and your entire cardiovascular system working. You’ll learn how to get your body moving in ways that promote heart health.
- Dietitian Consultation: A key element of cardiac rehab is educating yourself: How can you manage your risk factors? Quit smoking? Make heart-healthy nutrition choices?
- Life Coach Consultation: Stress hurts your heart. This part of cardiac rehab helps you identify and tackle everyday sources of stress.
- Three Physical Exercise Sessions (once in a week): Educate yourself about right exercises under the guidance of a Physical Instructor and per recommendation of a Cardiologist.
* Test, if required, will be billed separately
₹ 2000 (all inclusive)