First Product

Cardiac Rehabilitation Package (One Month)

₹ 2000 (all inclusive)

What is more important than doing exercise and food on time? Well, we say - Right Exercise and Healthy Food. In our Cardiac Rehabilitation Package, we consult our patients and educate them in doing the right things in right way.

Cardiac rehabilitation doesn’t change your past, but it can help you improve your heart’s future.

Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty or heart surgery. Cardiac rehab has four equally important parts:



As a patient of sub-arachnoid hoemorrhage and intracerebral bleed , my blood pressure control was a challenge ,and my life was under threat , I recovered partially . Under medication and professional advice by Dr Ruchi i have started feeling great improvement in daily life. 

Thanks to her early diagnosis and professional care which brought me back to my normal life.



A Rare Case of Acute Cerebrovascular Accident in the Post-Partum Period after Primary Angioplasty during Pregnancy

ECG of a pregnant lady with Acute Heart Attack

A lady admitted with Acute Heart Attack with a six-month pregnancy, managed with medication, Angiography and Angioplasty with all possible safety measures for the foetus, kept on the medicines safe for the yet to be born child, delivered a healthy baby through an elective caesarian section. However, due to her pregnancy-induced hypercoagulable state (blood has a tendency to clot), she suffered a stroke in the postpartum period. She completely recovered from both these significant events. Her Heart returned to Normal functions too.